Sunday, May 27, 2012

Financial Peace

My husband and I are on a budget, and he took a class that used much of Dave Ramsey's material, so I wanted to read it for myself. Conclusion: If you're ready to buy into it, read the chapter entitled Baby Steps  that is five pages long and you'll be good to go. Actually, you don't even have to do that because I'm attaching a handy-dandy pdf of all seven of them.

That being said, it is a very thorough and helpful program. I think it's better to do with people though-- as a program, and not just reading a book by yourself. If its a complete lifestyle overhaul, you'll want (and need!) some support.

Yay! I finished the book! Look how happy (and sunburnt) I am! A long day at Lake Michigan will do that to you. Note about Lake Michigan lifeguards: they do not like it if you attempt to swim to the "no wake" buoys. You will get reprimanded. (It felt amazing! I felt so rebellious!)

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